
How To Remove Bathroom Light Bar

The seedling in your bathroom lite fixture blows.

What should be a quick switchover soon turns into a nightmare when you lot realize that the fixture can't be unscrewed.

Don't worry!

This article will talk you through the steps you need to change a bathroom calorie-free fixture with no screws.

To remove a no-screw bathroom calorie-free fixture, follow the instruction below that matches your lite type:

  • Notch or Groove Mech a nism: Twist and pull down.
  • Spring-Loaded Mechanism: Pry past pulling and nudging.
  • Slotted Connectors: Plow and pull downward.
  • Affluent Mount: Turn and lower.

Fancy looking at those instructions in a little more particular? And then check out the following step-by-footstep guide:

How to Remove a No-Screw Bathroom Calorie-free Fixture

We all love a flush light fixture in the bathroom—

Well…we practise until the bulb blows in our fancy fixture on a dark winter evening. That makes united states go right off information technology. And as for the teaching manual that explains how to dismantle it… Nosotros're well aware that by now that manual has either transformed into the kids' 3rd-grade paper mache project or, has rotted into a pulp at the city dump.

Information technology's merely at times like these that we wish we'd gone for the dead easy screw-in light fixture at the homeware shop that was half the price.

But don't despair, what'due south coming up is a listing of steps that volition help y'all to dismantle any light fixture with no screws.

To get started, have a look at your light fixture and decide which category it falls into:

  • Notch or Groove Machinery
  • Bound-Loaded Machinery
  • Slotted Connectors
  • Affluent Mount

Once yous have a amend idea of who your opponent is, it'll be a whole lot easier for you to tackle them. Take a look at the section in this article that corresponds to your low-cal fixture.

Notch or Groove Mechanism

This type of fixture will accept the dome secured onto the base of operations using a notch or groove mechanism.

This mechanism is best removed with two people. Once you've buddied upwardly, you can get started.

Hither'southward how:

  1. Person A should put force per unit area on the base pushing information technology towards the ceiling/wall.
  2. Person B should twist the dome and so that information technology detaches itself from the base of operations.
  3. Once detached, the fixture should dismantle with ease.

If you don't get it the get-go time, try once more as the notch in the dome may exist twisted away from the groove. And so keep pushing the base up and twisting the dome until yous find the groove. Once it has detached itself from the groove it volition fall away from the base of operations.

Expressionless easy right? The good news is that putting it back together is merely as unproblematic.

Here's how:

  1. Person A should push the base confronting the ceiling/wall.
  2. Person B should twist the dome into the base of operations until it slots into the groove.
  3. Once slotted in, both parties can elevator their easily away from the fixture.

Spring-Loaded Mechanism

This blazon of fixture will have the base and the dome pressed firmly together using tight springs.

Here'due south how to remove this kind of low-cal fixture:

  1. Tease a flathead screwdriver or a knife between the base of the light fixture and the wall/ceiling.
  2. Motility the tool up and down until there is a big enough gap for you to go your fingers between the base of operations and the wall/ceiling.
  3. Pull the fixture off of the springs with your easily.

Here'due south something handy about calorie-free fixtures with leap-loaded mechanisms. They've been designed to pull away from the wall and concord themselves in identify as you modify the seedling. (They're like the low-cal fixture version of easily-free driving.)

Then to put the fixture back together you simply push it upwardly towards the base. With a little maneuvering, information technology should click dorsum into place.

At present, what If yous're worried most not being able to go the fixture back together again? Even if y'all just remove the dome from one side, you will however have ample working room around the bulb. Removing the dome on i side only makes information technology easier to snap everything back into place when you're done.

Some leap-loaded fixtures take been built with a pressure level mechanism. This fixture will separate the base from the dome when force per unit area is put on the base. The pressure will move the springs to contract and the dome will ease abroad.

If your fixture has a pressure level mechanism, push the springs in on themselves to fit the dome into the base once again.

Slotted Connectors

This type of light fixture will take raised bumps that lock the base to the dome.

Here's how to remove this type of light feature:

  1. Twist the dome to take information technology out of line with the bumps.
  2. Gently pull downward and the fixture should come away in your hands.

Here'south how to put it back together:

  1. Locate the raised bumps and line them up with the groves in the dome.
  2. Tease the dome by twisting it against the base of operations so the slotted connectors fall into place. Once secured, you lot can permit go of the fixture.

Flush Mount

This type of light fixture has its base ready flush against the ceiling or wall.

Here's how to remove this kind of light feature:

  1. Locate the finial (the fancy decorative flake in the middle of the dome).
  2. Plow the finial anticlockwise to loosen information technology. Keep one hand on the dome. As yous turn the finial the dome should beginning to come up away from the base.
  3. Completely unscrew the finial and the dome should come away in your mitt.

A standard finial – essentially a decorative type of screw.

Taking it autonomously is quite a doddle, but you'll need a steady hand to put it back together.

Hither's how to do it:

  1. Use your easily to spiral the finial into the base of the dome.
  2. With the finial and the base of the dome fastened, screw the finial to the finial port in the base of the fixture. Keep screwing the finial effectually with your hands until the dome is firmly in place. (You may want to employ pliers here if you're struggling.)

How to Remove a Stuck Light Plumbing fixtures

What should you lot do if y'all're struggling to remove a bulb from a light fixture? The final thing you desire is for the bulb to shatter as y'all're removing it. Not but is the broken glass unsafe, but yous've also non long swept the floor and don't fancy having to exercise information technology again.

I'm virtually to let yous in on a super uncomplicated pull a fast one on. This trick will help y'all remove a stuck lightbulb without breaking it.

Hither's what you should do:

  1. Unplug the lamp or turn off the electrics if yous are changing a wall or ceiling bulb.
  2. Cut a 25 inch (63 cm) strip of duct tape.
  3. Stick 1 end of the tape to the other making a loop.
  4. Stick the middle of the loop to the lightbulb on both sides. Stick both sides of the record together to form two duct tape handles.
  5. Turn the duct record handles with both hands in an anticlockwise motion. This volition assistance y'all tease the bulb until information technology frees without putting likewise much pressure on it.

The keen thing most this method is that information technology keeps your hands far away from the bulb while unscrewing it. This will end you from hurting yourself while removing a stuck bulb if information technology breaks. Besides, if the seedling should shatter, well-nigh of the shards will stick to the duct tape. This will brand the cleanup minimal and less dangerous.


Changing a regular lightbulb is kid'southward play. But, removing a screwless light fixture can seem like a puzzling task. But once you know which kind of light fixture you have, you should be able to dismantle it in next to no time. Following the steps mentioned above makes putting it back together simply as easy.

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Cheers for reading, and have a great day!



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